• hello@weymouth-carnival.uk

Up-Coming Events

Here you will see all of our planned events, including fundraising and public meetings.

Why are fundraising events important?

A Community Interest Company (CIC) fills the gap between social enterprise and traditional for-profit business. Furthermore, it’s designed for those with an interest in solving social problems. Taking on public contracts as well as private ones. It gives you more opportunities to make money from your work!

Fundraising allows us to raise money for the carnival day, the donations you give go towards:

  • Insurance
  • Security & Stewarding
  • Hosting fundraising events with tight budgets to gain the best profit from the event.
  • First-Aid courses for committee members
  • Contracts
  • Stalls
  • Marshalls’
  • Flight Display Director (for red arrows)
  • & lots more!

17th December – Christmas Raffle Draw @The Three Chimneys, Weymouth

26th January – A Night at The Musicals@The Three Chimneys, Weymouth

27th January – Quiz & Games Night @The Three Chimneys, Weymouth

25th February – Family Music Event @The Centenary Club, Weymouth

21st April 8pm – 2am: Nostalgia “Back to the 90’s” Rave @Weymouth Pavilion, Weymouth